John Nunemaker
When not playing basketball, I am a programmer/owner at Box Out Sports and Fewer & Faster.
Episode #2
Episode #1
Shrinking a Postgres Table
Founder Quest: Acquiring Fireside
The Moneyball approach
Code and the Coding Coders who Code it
How to Find a Business Partner
Acquiring Fireside
Founder Quest: Writing and Content Marketing for Devs
Founder Quest: RailsConf Recap
RailsConf 2024
Cushion vs Flow
Maintainable: How Scary is this Change?
Ruby Rogues: Flipper Cloud and the Future of Feature Flags
Indie Rails Podcast
Flipper 1.0
How to benchmark your ruby gem
Partying Hard with Remote Ruby
Rebuttal & Addendum to "Build a minimal feature flags manager in under an hour"
Rails: Postgres Native Partitioning